ATV (all teams viable) 2019 news:

ATV rules 2019 are ready and here follow an excel-sheet custom made for ATV rules. Thanks to Torsten Blaetter

Roster Download Link

ATV rules have been develloped over the last 5-6 years and the aim is to balance all the non-stunty races in tournament play. ATV is the rules used at the Danish Open.

Should you find any mistakes in the sheet please let me know.

General rules
We follow the NAF guidelines outlines here:
We include all teams on the NAF team-list here:
Optional rules are only included if mentioned in this document.
We use BB2016 piling on.
Any inducements bought are added permanently to your roster.
NAF-approved Star Players – except golden age star players – as of the latest rules review are permitted.
Two teams can field the same Star Player.
Bribes, Master Chef, Igor and Bloodweiser Kegs are allowed.

Creating a roster
Every team gets a minimum of 1,100,000 gold coins to spend in accordance with the standard rules for creating a blood bowl roster.
Tier 2-5: After buying a minimum of 11 rostered players you may buy star players available for your race but in that case, you must convert all gold bars into gold coins or normal skills, i.e. You don’t get any special skills.
Tier 6: After buying a minimum of 11 rostered players you may buy star players available for your race and you are still allowed to use your gold bars to buy special skills.

Skills and tier bonusses:
All teams get some starting skills and lower tiers get extra skills and/or gold bars that can be spent to get special skills, extra skills or gold pieces.

Normal Skills
A normal skill must be given to a rookie player as if that player had rolled say 7 on a skill roll.
Gold bars

Gold Bars
• One gold bar can be exchanged for 20.000 gold coins that can be used towards creating your roster
• One Extra normal skill costs two gold bars
• 0-3 upgrades of a normal skill to a special skill, can be bought at the price of one gold bar per upgrade
0-2 special skills may be used to pick a skill or upgrade like if you had rolled a double on a skill roll.
0-2 special skill may be used to give a second normal skill to a player that has already been given a normal skill.

Tier 0: Dark Elves, Lizardmen, Shambling Undead, Wood Elves
• 6 normal skills

Tier 1: Amazon, Bretonnians, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarves
• 6 normal skills and two gold bars

Tier 2: Necromantic, Norse, Orcs, Skaven
• 7 normal skills and two gold bars

Tier 3: Chaos Renegades, Elven Union, Human
• 7 normal skills and four gold bars

Tier 4: Chaos Chosen, High Elves, Khemri Tomb Kings, Nurgle, Slann
• 8 normal skills and four gold bars

Tier 5: Underworld Denizens, Daemons of Khorne, Vampires
• 9 normal skills and four gold bars

Tier 6: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres
• 9 normal skills and seven gold bars.